Graduate Student (UCB)
Emily is a PhD candidate in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of California at Berkeley. She is currently developing a combined coded aperture and Compton tomographic gamma-ray imager for both nuclear security and nuclear medicine applications. Regarding the latter, Frame is investigating the use of this dual-modality system for the preclinical evaluation of Ac-225-based radiopharmaceuticals for cancer therapy.
Prior to her PhD studies, Emily received a B.S. and M.S. in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and the University of California at Berkeley, respectfully. Prior to receiving her M.S., she worked as an English lecturer and researcher in the Department of Nuclear Reactors at the Czech Technical University in Prague.
M.S., Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 2018
B.S., Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 2016
Select Publications
Frame, Paul W., and Emily A. Frame. “A History of the Radiation Warning Sign.” Health Physics 120.3 (2021): 296-300.