Measurement Campaign at NNSS
Nuclear Science Division staff in the Applied Nuclear Physics Program recently visited the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) to perform data collections in support of two ANP projects, both of which are funded by the Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development (DNN R&D) Nuclear Safeguards portfolio. Both projects are focused on using computer vision technology…
A Bayesian approach to free-moving radiation mapping with a single detector
Large-area radiation imaging is crucial in enhancing nuclear safety and security. Traditional mapping methods involve stationary gamma-ray detectors or imagers and necessitate multiple time-consuming static measurements at various locations.
Lei Pan received the 2023 Best Paper Award titled, “Performance of Perovskite CsPbBr3 Single Crystal Detector for Gamma-Ray Detection”.
Room temperature gamma ray detectors are the cornerstone of many radiation detection and imaging systems in various fields, such as medical imaging, nuclear security, scientific research and so on. Compared to scintillators, the semiconductor gamma ray detector has the advantage of intrinsically high energy and spatial resolution. However, after decades’ research and development of various candidate semiconductors, CdZnTe is the only commercial semiconductor gamma ray detector.
ANP Contributes to the U.S. 2023 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science
Berkeley Lab’s Nuclear Science Division hosted a launch event for the U.S. 2023 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science on Friday, October 6, one of over 20 simultaneous events held across the country at various Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (NSAC) participating organizations.
Making Rad Maps With Robot Dogs
In 2013, researchers carried a Microsoft Kinect camera through houses in Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture. The device’s infrared light traced the contours of the buildings, making a rough 3D map. On top of this, the team layered information from an early version of a hand-held gamma-ray imager, displaying the otherwise invisible nuclear radiation from the Fukushima…
Semiconductor Detector Lab Reaches for the Stars
For decades, the LBNL Semiconductor Detector Lab (SDL) has been at the forefront of advancements in gamma-ray detector technology. Amongst the technologies pioneered at the SDL are double-sided high-purity germanium (HPGe) strip detectors with amorphous germanium (a-Ge) contacts [1] (Fig. 1). These devices find application in a range of areas including basic science, nuclear security,…
Applied Nuclear Physics Program Aiding Clean-up of Cold War-Era Radioactive Contamination through Radiological Mapping
From 1955–1988, low-level waste solutions from the processing of uranium and irradiated nuclear fuel were discharged into unlined earthen storage basins at the Savannah River Site (SRS) F-Area [1]. Over the decades, radioactive contaminants including uranium and iodine-129 (I-129) have leaked out of the basins and into the groundwater of the surrounding wetlands, and are…
R&D 100 of the day: The Neutron and Gamma Ray Source Localization and Mapping Platform 2.0
The Neutron and Gamma Localization and Mapping Platform (NG-LAMP), developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, is the first ever portable system for simultaneous imaging and mapping of gamma ray and neutron radioactivity in three-dimensions (3D) and in real-time.
First paper on Semi-Autonomous 3D aerial mapping published!
Our Immersive Technology team which consists of students and scientists from the Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Nuclear Engineering at UC Berkeley and some of our ANP scientists recently published a first paper on “Immersive Operation of a Sem-Autonomous Aerial Platform for Detecting and Mapping Radiation”. This is a wonderful accomplishment by one…
Berkeley Lab Honored with Three R&D 100 Awards
Three technologies from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have won a 2021 R&D 100 award, representing innovations for memory and logic chips, next-generation batteries, and radiation detection and mapping.
Congratulations to Jaewon Lee!
Jaewon Lee, one of our graduate students from the UC Berkeley Department of Nuclear Engineering won 3rd place in the student competition at the recent IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, one of our major conferences of the year.
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference
Our Berkeley Applied Nuclear Physics program has again been well-represented at the annual IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference.
August 9 – August 13, 2021: ANP collaborates with WSU Nuclear Science Center and INL to conduct Cu-64 measurement campaign
In support of the DTRA-NTD sponsored Quantification and Swarm projects, LBNL participated in a measurement campaign in collaboration with Idaho National Laboratory and the Nuclear Science Center at Washington State University.